
Root Canal Treatment Perth

Root Canal Treatment in Perth

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment or RCT also called endodontic treatment too. It is a dental procedure that is performed to save a tooth that has become infected or inflamed.

This procedure is designed to remove the infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth and then seal the tooth to prevent further damage. Root canal therapy is a common procedure that has helped many patients save their teeth and avoid a dental extraction.

Root canal treatment

Why is Root Canal needed?

A tooth’s pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, can become infected or inflamed due to a variety of reasons, including a deep cavity, a cracked or broken tooth, or an injury to the tooth. When the pulp becomes damaged, it can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms that can make it difficult to eat and speak. 

If the damaged pulp is not removed, the infection can spread to other parts of the mouth, causing further damage and potentially leading to tooth loss.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatments

  • Pain relief: The main purpose of root canal therapy is to relieve pain and discomfort associated with a damaged or infected tooth.
  • Preservation of natural teeth: Root canal therapy allows for the preservation of natural teeth, which is important for maintaining good oral health and function.
  • Cost-effective: In some cases, root canal treatment is a more cost-effective option than a dental extraction and replacement with a dental implant.
  • Quick and minimally invasive: Root canal therapy is typically performed in one or two appointments and is minimally invasive.
  • Long-lasting results: With proper care, a root canal-treated tooth can last a lifetime.

What to Expect During Root Canal?

Root canal therapy is typically performed over the course of one or two appointments. During the first appointment, the dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth to ensure that the patient is comfortable during the procedure. The dentist will then create an opening in the top of the tooth to access the damaged pulp.

Next, the dentist will remove the damaged pulp and clean the inside of the tooth to remove any bacteria or debris. After cleaning, the dentist will shape the inside of the tooth to prepare it for filling. Once the tooth has been prepared, the dentist will fill it with dental fillings material.

In some cases, our dentist may place a temporary filling in your tooth to protect it until the next appointment. At the next appointment, the temporary filling will be removed, and the dentist will place a permanent filling or crown on the tooth.

Root canal treatment perth

Our Emergency & General dental treatments

What is a Root canal recovery time?

After root canal therapy, patients may experience some discomfort, sensitivity or even some swelling or tenderness for a few days. This can be managed with over-the-counter pain medications within a few days.

It is important to follow our dentist’s instructions, including avoiding hard or crunchy foods and taking care of the affected tooth by brushing and flossing regularly. With proper care and regular check, your treated tooth can last a lifetime.

Is a dental crown needed after root canal treatment?

A dental crown may be recommended after root canal, but it is not always necessary. The decision to place a crown after a root canal depends on several factors, including the extent of damage to the tooth, the location of the tooth, and the patient’s bite.

The crown acts as a cap, covering the entire visible portion of the tooth and in many cases, a dental crown is recommended after root canal therapy to protect the tooth and improve its function and additional strength and support. This is especially important for molars, which are used for chewing and grinding food. Our dentist will evaluate the tooth and discuss the best options with you before treatment.

Can a root canal consider an emergency?

Yes, Root canals are sometimes needed as emergency treatments. If you experience severe pain, swelling or infection in your mouth that is not relieved with over-the-counter medications, visit our emergency dentist right away as it could be an indication of a more serious problem that requires root canal treatment.

It’s important to seek treatment at the earliest possible opportunity, as delayed care can cause further damage and the need for more extensive treatment. Contact our practice today to discuss your emergency dental needs.

The Connolly Dental Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of root canal therapy will vary depending on the type of tooth being treated and other factors. Root canals are typically covered by most dental insurance plans, however, it is important to check with your provider to determine your coverage. Our team will be happy to provide you with an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs prior to treatment.

Root canal therapy is no more painful than receiving a simple filling. Most of the pain associated with root canals occurs after the procedure and is managed easily with over-the-counter medications. Our dentist will ensure that you are comfortable throughout the procedure and provide detailed instructions on how to manage any post-procedure discomfort.

It is best to avoid hard or crunchy foods for a few days after root canal treatment. Soft and easily chewable foods are recommended until the affected area has healed. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your teeth following Root Canal Therapy.

Most patients recover within a few days after Root Canal Therapy. Some discomfort, sensitivity or swelling may occur during this time and can be managed easily with over-the-counter medications.

The only alternative to Root Canal Therapy is tooth extraction. If the infection has advanced too far, or Root Canal Treatment is not an option. Also, dental implants and bridges are other solutions instead RCT.

After extraction, dental implants, dental brisges and dentures are options to replace your missing tooth.

The cost of Root Canal treatment will vary depending on the type of tooth being treated and other factors. Root canals are typically covered by most dental insurance plans, however, it is important to check with your provider to determine your coverage.

Root Canal Treatment is a permanent solution and can last a lifetime if properly cared for. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene habits and visit your dentist regularly for checkups, as this can help ensure Root Canal Treatment lasts.

Root Canal Treatment is usually a better option than extraction, as it can help to preserve the natural structure of your tooth and maintain your smile. Root Canal Treatment also prevents further damage to adjacent teeth and helps prevent the need for more extensive treatments in the future.

However, Root Canal Treatment may not be the best solution for everyone, so it’s important to speak to your dentist about all the treatment options available for your individual case.

The most common symptom indicating the need for Root Canal Treatment is tooth pain, which can range from mild to severe. Other symptoms may include sensitivity to hot and cold foods, swelling around the affected area, or a bad taste in your mouth. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s important to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

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